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  • DPP commits to youth engagement after elections setback

    Top Taiwanese leaders from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are recognizing the need for fresh approaches and new policies to connect with the youth after a challenging electoral run in Taichung City. Legislative Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang expressed his concerns to DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te, pledging to introduce novel ideas and practices over the next four years to gain youth support. In response, Lai stated his intention to proactively address youth issues and develop a strategic plan to win back young supporters. Tsai believes that Lai’s forthcoming policies will generate further optimism among the younger population. DPP legislator Ho Hsin-chun and councilor Chiang Chao-kuo echoed these sentiments, urging the party to prioritize young people’s ideas and adjust existing regulations to meet their expectations. DPP caucus whip in the Taichung City Council, Lee Tien-sheng, also acknowledged the disconnect with the younger generation and emphasized the need for the party to work harder to gain their support and recognition.
    2024/01/29 14:23
  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • Taiwan’s flower market hit by cold weather

    Taipei’s flower market is experiencing a nearly 30% reduction in certain flowers due to the recent colder weather and damp conditions. The Chairman of Taipei Flowers Auction, Li Ming-tsung, predicts that flower prices will rise by an average of 5% this year, citing inflation as the main cause. For example, the cost of a bouquet of lilies, typically priced at NT$250, could increase to between NT$600 and NT$700 during the Lunar New Year, with prices peaking at up to NT$1,000. In preparation for the Lunar New Year, the Taipei Flower Market will extend its opening hours to 3 p.m. and remain open for a total of 108 hours, expecting to supply around 904,000 bouquets.
    2024/01/25 16:06
  • Medical tycoon donates equipment to boost rescue team

    Chang Ju-shan, chairman of a renowned medical group, donates equipment worth millions to the National Fire Agency’s Special Search and Rescue Team. The donation, motivated by the team’s efforts during an international humanitarian mission in Türkiye last year, includes life detectors, drones, and CPR training devices. Chang also provides two search and rescue puppies, covering all training costs, to join the team. His contribution aims to enhance the team’s mission effectiveness and strengthen Taiwan’s role in international humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/01/25 10:54
  • TPP mulls internal polling system after election loss

    Taipei People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has expressed his intention to establish an internal public opinion center in order to improve the accuracy of future polls. This decision follows the TPP’s defeat in the presidential election and the subsequent launch of a post-defeat review. Ko believes that implementing out-of-district voting is a key change that needs to be made. He also highlighted the need for voting methods to adapt to the changing times, which he sees as a contributing factor to the election loss. In the meantime, concerns have been raised about legislator-at-large-elect Huang Shan-shan’s alleged dual party membership. Huang has responded by threatening legal action against those spreading false information, as the TPP prepares to establish a legal department. Additionally, TPP Taipei party headquarters chairman Lin Kuo-cheng has offered to resign due to disappointing post-election results. The TPP has clarified that staff turnovers are a result of job positions and organizational adjustments, as current legislative workloads are burdensome. The party plans to release a defeat review report to identify the main causes of the election loss.
    2024/01/23 16:15
  • Taiwan’s CEC battles misinformation on TikTok

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has filed 105 complaints with TikTok regarding false or misleading election-related content, with 10 made before the election and 95 following it. As of now, 54 of the posts have been taken down, and the cases are ongoing. TikTok has been circulating a substantial amount of inaccurate or untruthful audio-visual information related to the election. The CEC Vice Chairman, Chen Chao-chien, explained that candidates have the right to request the removal of deepfake videos under the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, as well as the Public Officials Election and Recall Act. Online social platforms have also established contact channels with the CEC to prevent false or misleading election-related content, in line with their community principles and for the sake of fair elections. The CEC has declined to comment or respond on specific online platforms on a case-by-case basis.
    2024/01/22 18:37
  • Eric Chu unveils youth-focused political growth plans

    The Kuomintang (KMT) held a post-election gratitude tea ceremony in Yunlin County, where Chairman Eric Chu emphasized the party’s reform strategies and plans to nurture young members for political roles. Chu, along with New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih and Yunlin County Commissioner Chang Li-shan, announced the party’s commitment to increasing engagement with social and web media to appeal to younger voters. Chu highlighted the success of young KMT candidates in the recent legislative elections, with 10 out of 15 securing victory. Mayor Hou emphasized the need for unity and collaboration within the KMT caucus in the Legislative Yuan, particularly with proportional representation legislators from the south. He also urged the party to present facts, rectify misconceptions, and attract new voters while strengthening support from existing ones. The KMT has been actively nurturing young talent in its key structure in recent years.
    2024/01/22 11:28
  • DPP urges Beijing to reassess cross-strait relations

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) China Affairs Department has called on Beijing to realistically confront cross-strait relations. This plea comes in response to a recent statement by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), which claimed that the Taiwan election results do not represent the majority’s views and reiterated that "Taiwan is China’s Taiwan." Following Taiwan’s elections, Nauru, a Pacific island nation, severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan. The DPP criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for exploiting Nauru’s financial difficulties and coaxing the country into establishing diplomatic relations with China. The DPP’s China Affairs Department reaffirmed that its chairman, Lai Ching-te, has consistently stated his commitment to maintaining the status quo under the constitutional system of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). Lai advocated for dialogue and cooperation with China based on parity and dignity. The DPP’s China Affairs Department condemned the CCP’s suppressive measures against Taiwan and urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to publicly pledge not to unilaterally alter the status quo across the Taiwan Strait using military force. Despite Lai Ching-te’s stance on dialogue and cooperation, Beijing has continued to disregard Taiwan.
    2024/01/18 10:39
  • Businesses urge President-elect to boost cross-strait ties

    The Third Wednesday Club Chairman Lin Por-fong expresses hope for improved cross-strait relations and economic cooperation under the ECFA with President-elect Lai Ching-te. Lin emphasizes the importance of handling international relations well, resolving cross-strait issues through communication and exchange, and establishing communication mechanisms with China. He believes that cross-strait relations impact economic development and calls for the loosening of restrictions on the economy, tourism, and culture. Lin advocates for the active maintenance of the ECFA, highlighting that international economic agreements like the CPTPP and RCEP require mainland China’s consent. Concerns are raised about the potential impacts on industries if China terminates the ECFA. Compal Electronics Chairman Hsu Sheng-hsiung warns of global unrest due to constant change and challenges across industries, technologies, economies, politics, and conflicts among nations. He also highlights the need for industries to monitor potential escalations of conflicts as nations vie for resources.
    2024/01/18 10:25
  • Lai Ching-te pledges NT$160M in election funds to charity

    DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te announced that the NT$160 million in election subsidies won by the party will be donated to charitable causes and used to care for founding members and further the education of young party workers. Lai expressed gratitude to the citizens for their support, noting that each vote contributed NT$30 to the subsidy. The subsidies will be distributed in three equal parts, with one part going back to the central party, another part assisting founding members and providing scholarships or grants for young DPP members, and the final part being donated to charitable causes, following the tradition of past legislators and representatives.
    2024/01/17 18:42
  • President-elect Lai Ching-te exits New Tide faction

    President Lai Ching-te has announced his departure from the New Tide faction of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) following the conclusion of the 2024 presidential race. The decision was supported by the New Tide office, recognizing the president’s role in leading the government and symbolizing party unity. Discussions about Lai’s withdrawal began prior to the election, making it unnecessary to explore who initiated the departure. Former legislator Tuan Yi-kang expressed that it is better for the country if President Lai, as the head of state, is no longer a member of New Tide. The New Tide faction, established in 1983, is one of the main factions within the DPP and consists of editors and writers from "The Movement" magazine. Known for its firm beliefs and strict discipline, the faction is considered the most combat-ready within the DPP. The decision of President Lai is further emphasized by frequent public criticisms from Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), who has targeted issues of corruption and fraud within the New Tide faction.
    2024/01/17 14:15
  • Taipower commits to renewable energy trend post-election

    Taiwan’s commitment to renewable energy remains strong despite the recent general election results, according to Taipower. The acting chairman emphasized that the development of renewable energy is now a significant trend, no longer dependent on political parties. While Taipower’s total electricity sale in 2023 decreased by 1.6% due to reduced industry consumption, power use in commercial and domestic sectors has increased. The chairman highlighted the importance of green energy for Taiwan’s export-oriented industries and expressed the relentless drive for renewable energy. Regarding potential adjustments or innovative approaches, further evaluation is necessary. In response to questions about nuclear energy, Taipower stated that the new congress would hold discussions on power use and choice, and the company is prepared to provide data and respect any decisions made by the parliament.
    2024/01/16 17:21
  • Hou Yu-ih vows oversight for Taiwan Strait security

    New Taipei City mayor Hou Yu-Ih pledges to support Taiwan Strait security and reassure the U.S. as an opposition party member after his presidential election defeat. He emphasizes the need for the newly elected government to carefully address global difficulties and stresses that Taiwan’s unity is crucial in facing future challenges. Hou dismisses claims that alleged fake polls by the Taiwan People’s Party caused the Kuomintang’s electoral defeat and urges acceptance of voters’ decision. Sun Yat-sen School President Chang Ya-chung calls for KMT chairman Eric Chu to step down, but Hou takes responsibility for the election failure as the commander of the campaign.
    2024/01/16 15:16
  • Embassy reflects on Shih Ming-te’s democratic hopes

    The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See commemorated a previous visit by Shih Ming-te, the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman, in 2019. Shih expressed elation at the sight of Taiwan’s flag waving in foreign lands and desired to see justice fulfilled and the flag flying everywhere. The embassy’s Facebook post highlighted the contrasting positions of the free world and China’s authoritarian regime toward Taiwan, emphasizing how China undermines Taiwan’s democracy and freedom diplomatically. The post also mentioned the severance of ties between Taiwan and Nauru, reflecting Taiwan’s persistence in democratic transformation and progress despite challenges.
    2024/01/16 12:08
  • Taipei 101 honors late DPP leader Shih Ming-te with lights

    Taipei 101 lights up to honor the late Shih Ming-te, former DPP chairman, with a light display showcasing messages of mourning and gratitude. President Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges Shih’s dedication to democracy and his role in Taiwan’s democratic movement. She highlights his involvement in Formosa Magazine, promoting democracy, freedom, and human rights. Tsai emphasizes Taiwan’s transition to an open democracy and its position as a key member of the international democratic alliance. She expresses gratitude for Shih’s contributions and vows to unite all forces in building a better Taiwan.
    2024/01/16 10:02
  • Cynthia Wu promises tighter security after rally scare

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu pledges to reinforce security measures in response to an incident where an individual was caught with an air gun at a TPP rally in Taichung. Wu visits Taichung after TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je held rallies there for two consecutive days. Wu’s campaign trail proceeds to Nantou County. When asked about the chants at the previous night’s rally, Wu expresses that election campaigning is tough and everyone should encourage and support each other. Wu’s final stop in Taichung is Wanhe Temple, where she is accompanied by the temple’s chairman for prayers and blessings. During a photo session with supporters, a vehicle carrying KMT legislative candidate Liao Wei-hsiang passes by, and the KMT’s Taichung branch director greets him, emphasizing collaboration between the TPP and KMT in Taichung.
    2024/01/07 18:18
  • Tigerair Taiwan aids Japan with disaster relief supplies

    Tigerair Taiwan transported six boxes of disaster relief goods, including winter blankets, to Japan following the devastating earthquake. Chairman Kevin Chen believes the airline’s extensive network and frequent flights can provide significant support to disaster areas. Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has established a dedicated disaster relief account to receive donations. The Taiwan Development Association for Disaster Medical Teams, the first non-governmental organization from Taiwan, has entered the hard-hit Suzu City in Japan to provide medical relief. Relief efforts from Taiwanese civil groups continue, despite the Japanese government’s refusal of official aid from several countries. This demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to assisting international neighbors in times of crisis.
    2024/01/06 16:07
  • Taiwan’s stock market climbs despite TSMC share dip

    Taiwan’s stock market rose to 17,595.01 on Friday morning, despite Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) shares falling to NT$578. This contrasts with major U.S. stock indices, as the Dow Jones rose by 10.15 points while the Nasdaq fell by 81.91 points. TSMC’s American Depositary Receipt (ADR) price also dropped below US$100 to US$99.13, causing a decline of around 1.04%. This decrease in TSMC’s value affected the main index by approximately 16 points, and its market capitalization dipped below NT$15 trillion. Meanwhile, Asus Chairman Jonney Shih announced the company’s intensified efforts in artificial intelligence (A.I.) development, resulting in Asus shares rising by 6 points to open at NT$460.
    2024/01/05 18:32
  • KMT unveils secret weapon to win voters’ hearts

    As Taiwan’s 2024 elections near, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduces the "KMT girls" campaign group, spearheaded by Chairman Eric Chu. This strategic move, focusing on women’s empowerment and targeting diverse voter groups, signifies a fresh approach in the party’s bid for electoral success.
    2024/01/04 20:10
  • KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih gains favor in market visit

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih visited the First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Taipei, gaining support from vendors who welcomed his visit. Hou Yu-ih is the first of the three presidential candidates to visit the market, potentially boosting his popularity in the polls. Accompanied by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, KMT legislative candidate Chung Hsiao-ping, and Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation Chairman Yang Cheng-wu, Hou Yu-ih received a warm reception from the local market community. Vendors expressed their support for Hou Yu-ih, noting that despite the market being closed, his engagement with them was significant. They hoped that Hou Yu-ih would improve market convenience and promised to support him at the polls. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasized the importance of the fruit market, the nation’s largest wholesale agricultural market, and expressed hope that Hou Yu-ih would secure funding and construction to upgrade the market’s equipment and protect vendor rights if elected. Hou Yu-ih, who has personal experience working in a market, pledged to enhance the market environment and operating conditions using modern equipment and technology if elected. He also promised to ensure the best cold chain conditions for preserving fruits and vegetables. Hou Yu-ih urged support for a rotation of political power, emphasizing its importance in a functioning democracy.
    2024/01/04 15:40
  • Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu accuses the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of smearing and attacking the presidential election through nationwide advertising campaigns. The KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong are losing swing voters, according to a public opinion poll published by the United Daily News. Chu criticizes the DPP for targeting Hou by drawing attention to the dormitory at Taipei’s Chinese Culture University (CCU), owned by Hou’s wife. He warns that if such smear tactics go unchecked, Taiwan risks becoming a society dominated by smear campaigns. Internal party polls show that the KMT’s support rates are within the margin of error compared to the DPP’s, leading by one percentage point in landline-based surveys. Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections are due to take place next Saturday, and Chu emphasizes that the KMT will work harder despite alleged underhanded tactics and continuous smearing efforts by the DPP.
    2024/01/02 09:55
  • Cynthia Wu reveals lack of initial support in VP role

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu discusses her initial struggles in her new role, revealing that she was not provided much guidance by the party. It took her several days to figure out certain techniques and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Wu also acknowledges that the party’s resources and focus were primarily on Chairman Ko Wen-je. She addresses recent polls indicating a surge in her unpopularity, attributing it to her low media profile in her political career. Wu emphasizes her commitment to aligning with Ko Wen-je’s campaign schedule and engaging in activities like canvassing, policy announcements, and appearances on programs to better communicate with the public.
    2023/12/27 17:46
  • Taiwan Railways mulls fare adjustments amid transition

    The Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) is facing concerns over potential fare hikes as it transitions to a state-owned enterprise on its 137th anniversary. The TRA has not made any fare adjustments in the past 28 years, leading to speculation about its next move. While fare reviews are mandated every two years, public sentiment has prevented changes since 1995. Experts argue that fare scales should reflect the true cost. Hochen Tan, the former Minister of Transportation and Communications, supports the TRA’s corporatization and calls for an overhaul of its financial structure and gradual fare adjustments. Tu Wei, the current TRA Director-General and future chairman of the new corporation, mentioned plans to propose a fare adjustment scheme in Q1 2024. However, a subsequent press statement clarified that these were Tu’s preliminary thoughts, leaving the question of fare adjustments unanswered for now.
    2023/12/26 21:38
  • MND optimistic about peace efforts in Strait region

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense expresses optimism for stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait region, emphasizing its global significance. The ministry views all measures conducive to peace and stability positively. This follows a video conference between the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman and his Chinese counterpart, discussing global and regional security issues.
    2023/12/26 18:13
  • AUO shares surge amid Dec. TV panel price dip

    This story discusses the fluctuation in shares of AUO Corporation and TV panel prices in late December. The article mentions that the price of 55-inch 4K open-cell panels dropped by US$1 (0.8%) on December 22 due to TV manufacturers ceasing production for year-end demand. However, analysts predict that tier-one TV panel makers may increase their price quotes by US$1 to US$3 in January 2024. Despite this, final transaction prices are expected to remain unchanged due to market demand. The report also suggests a potential decline in quotes for larger panel sizes, while prices for all TV panel sizes are anticipated to stabilize and rebound in February. Furthermore, favorable conditions in the panel market are predicted for 2024, driven by stabilizing industry trends and the launch of AI phones and AI PCs. AUO Chairman Paul Peng expects mild growth in the first quarter of 2024 and a market growth rate between 3% to 5% throughout the year, with higher production capacity utilization compared to 2023. Peng also notes steady demand for automotive and industrial products, which will contribute to a stable production utilization rate, and highlights the increasing use of Human Machine Interface (HMI) technologies for LED and LCD panels.
    2023/12/26 11:40
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